Croydon 10km

Sean and I did the Croydon 10km at the weekend, it is designed more for the club runners but we thought we would give it ago. It was a slightly hilly course, but we made it. Sean came in half a minute quicker than I at 1:04.12 and we weren't right up the back so all in all a good effort. Norman and Evariste from the V&A did it with us, it was Everest's first 10km and he did it in an amazing 55mins. Norm a pro as always even at 54 years managed 52mins. It was good fun, although going to Ikea afterwards was a mistake. I had some serious grumps by the time I got home. I am planning on doing a 7mile run at the weekend, I need to start building up the distance now, just over 6 months to go before the big event, the nerves are starting to kick in.

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